end of the month

Week 5 Exodus 33-Leviticus 13

January 31 is a good time for a progress assessment.
The reading through plan I’m following says I should be finished Exodus 40 by today, which I am.
Which seems good.
On the surface.
Last December I calculated that reading 1189 chapters in 12 months meant reading 99.08 chapters a month. And 50 chapters in Genesis plus 40 in Exodus = 90. So I’m falling behind.
Fortunately I decided to start reading Proverbs about three weeks ago – one chapter a day. So I’ve read 22 chapters in Proverbs, for a total of 90 + 22 = 112 chapters in January. [I know…this is breaking from my decision to consecutively read through from Genesis to Revelation. I’m hoping it’s a good deviation.]

Information Note on a different topic: Since I start reading it tomorrow, I decided to page through Leviticus, try to get a feel for what’s coming. I ran a couple of numbers. Those numbers say that Leviticus orders up a pretty big menu of legal information.
By my count Leviticus has 699 verses of laws and regulations (I counted chapters 1-7, 11-15, 17-25, and 27).
The rest of the chapters (8-10, 16, and 26) – the ones I’m saying are not legal content – have 160 verses in total.
A total of 699 ‘legal’ verses + 160 ‘non-legal’ verses = 859 verses in the book. When I convert that to a percentage I get 81% and 19%.
So the MHJ Unofficial Estimate is that Leviticus is 81% legal-type reading (and I’m pretty sure that’s a conservative estimate).
So now I know what I’m getting into, starting tomorrow.