end of month three

March 31, 2020
At the end of February I was running a deficit in my reading schedule, and not feeling too great about it.
I decided on two action-steps: (a) start reading one psalm a day, and (b) read extra chapters to finish I Samuel by the end of the month.
So the month-end numbers are in: Deuteronomy finished, Joshua (1-24), Judges (1-21), Ruth (1-4), I Samuel (1-31). 100 chapters. Adding the first thirty-one psalms brings it up to 131 chapters.
That makes a January – March total of 329 chapters.
There are 1189 chapters in the bible, and 329 of them is 27.7% of the total. Reading 27.7% of the bible in 25% of the year is about where I want to be.

Notes: quotes are from  the NASB and the NLT versions. I started reading the psalms on March 1 and today I was reading Psalm 31. There’s a nice phrase in verse 15. The writer says: my times are in (the Lord’s) hand. Another version says: my future is in your hands. I’d read the verse sometime before since it was underlined in red. That’s probably because the mhj-version of my-times-are-in-your-hand tends to go something like this: my times are in my own hands, and when they aren’t I don’t like it. So the verse was a soft reminder to me as I tracked my personal progress today.