woman with no name

Week 17 II Kings

A woman in Shunem had taken Elisha under-her-wing.
Culturally-speaking it’s hard to know how a woman would have approached a passer-by, a stranger. But she was poised enough that she told her husband: I perceive that this is a holy man of God passing by us continually. He believed her. She built a guestroom for Elisha. That put him in her debt. But she wasn’t after payback.
Then her son died.
She knew that technically this was the end. But she went far out on a limb. She lay her boy’s body in the guestroom and left on a desperate, futile trip to find Elisha. What was clear to everyone in Shunem was not clear to her.
On a map you can see she had to travel west and north for hours toward the Mediterranean and Mount Carmel. She told her servant: drive and…do not slow down the pace for me…
She was brusque with Gehazi, and when she saw Elisha she wasn’t brusque but was pretty unequivocal: as the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you. So Elisha went with her to perform one of the great miracles of the OT and bring the boy back from a near-death experience.
If I had to choose an OT woman to be my mom this woman with no name is in the top three.
She’s one of the towering and forceful people of the bible.

Note: quotes from II Kings 4:9, 24 & 30 (NASB version)