clouds roll in

Week 44 1 Corinthians

Yesterday I read chapter twelve where the Spirit gave people special abilities when they believed in the Lord. It seemed pretty clear that: a) every person gets at least one gift, b) no one person has every single gift, and c) there’s no single gift that everyone gets universally.
But reading thirteen-fourteen today it sounds like there’s more to it.
For example I’m wondering why Paul said he wished everyone in Corinth: had the gift of speaking in tongues. And he also wished they: were all able to prophesy. For prophecy is a greater and more useful gift. I thought no single gift went to everyone. And it sounds like there’s a kind of gift hierarchy – some are better than others.
I’m wondering about Paul saying: desire the special abilities the Spirit gives, especially the gift of prophecy. Reading yesterday I thought the Spirit gave me the aptitude he wanted me to have…and it might not be exactly the one I want. Here it sounds like I can take a shot at a better or preferable gift (though it’s not definite I’ll get it).
Paul says that if a person can speak-in-tongues he should pray for the complimentary gift of translating spirit-speak into human language. The two go together so why not pray for both? So I’m wondering about getting extra gifts.
Anyway I went from sunny and clear to cloudy and overcast in about twenty-four hours.

Note: quotes from I Corinthians 14:5, 1, 13. And see 12:39-40.