…and the foolish

Week 26 Proverbs

One of my reactions while I was listing the (roughly) ninety words & comments describing foolish people was that some of the language was pretty uncomplimentary.
For instance, calling a person a fool or a liar or a deceiver isn’t so good. So I was wondering what Solomon was driving at.
On the one hand I could just assume that since in Alberta we figure that name-calling is hurtful therefore Solomon is saying something he shouldn’t. But I don’t get the sense Solomon was trying to grind people down. Actually I figure he was writing negative things to enlighten people who were in the dark: come here and listen to me! I’ll pour out my spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise. Solomon is making cool & clinical statements of actual fact.
But even at that it’s a pretty sober list.
Foolish people are: Angry Arrogant Bloodthirsty Boastful Bold (in a bad way) Brawlers Corrupt-witnesses Contemptuous Crooked Deceitful Disgraceful Dishonourable Excessive-drinkers Evil-doers Excuse-makers False-witnesses Flatterers Gluttons Godless Greedy Happy-at-others-misfortune Harmful Haughty Hot-headed Immoral Lazy Liars Mockers Oppressors Outlaws Predators Promise-breakers Proud Quick-tempered Rebels Resentful Schemers Scoundrels Shameful Short-tempered Simpletons Sinners Stupid Thieves Treacherous Trouble-makers Unjust Unreliable & Wrongdoers.
They: Backslide Curse Don’t-care-about-the-poor Exploit-the-needy Gossip Lack-mercy Lack-self-control Plan-evil Plot-violence Practice-adultery Pursue-wealth Quarrel Refuse-instruction Show-favoritism Speak-without-thinking & Spread-rumours.
They have: Twisted-hearts & Warped-minds.
My sense is that Solomon is offering a diagnosis for the symptoms of a dangerous & deadly condition.

Note: quote from Proverbs 1:23 (NLT)