Week 36 Matthew
The Lord repeats the phrase six times in chapter five: you have heard…but I say. He was referring to the OT. What he thought about it.
I’m kind of glad to see that the Lord didn’t say the OT was useless and should be dumped (after all…I spent eight months reading it).
The Lord wasn’t flip-flopping the rules either. He didn’t say: Moses says, ‘Don’t murder people’…but I’m saying that you can!
What it looks like is that the Lord accepted the OT. The OT was essentially okay. His point was that it had been misunderstood. Maybe even misapplied. Trivialized. Mismanaged.
Moses gave the basic don’t-murder-people rule. The Lord’s supplement was: if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgment. It’s like the Lord got out a map and surveyed all the points along the road to Murder. There were places on that road that were technically legal – for instance Hating. But in the Lord’s view they were all legitimately judgeable.
The OT isn’t being devalued in chapter five. The Lord isn’t saying that I can trash the OT law. More like: keep the law in the way it was originally meant to be kept.
When you get right down to it the OT’s version of the law was simpler than the Lord’s. He was actually amplifying the law. Complicating it. Intensifying it. The OT legal regime was pretty clean & straightforward. Then the Lord got his hands on it.
Note: quote from Matthew 5:22 (NLT)