Week 3 Psalm 19
I read Exodus 10 today. The book is absorbing right now but I know that in a couple of days I’ll be getting into bible-reader’s deep water – a long block of laws regulations directions and like that. So it was a pretty nice coincidence that I also read psalm 19 today.
The reason 19 jumped out was because – with the last half of Exodus and then Leviticus staring me in the face – David surprises with his enthusiasm for the law.
He describes the law with about eight specific words. Because of time I was mostly interested in the first four…the law is: Perfect Trustworthy Right & Clear (helpful reminders because the law is sometimes described as: imperfect untrustworthy wrong & fuzzy).
Anyway I also noticed a value-added feature – the four descriptor-words include what I’d call Personal Outcome Statements…
…the perfection revives my soul
…trustworthiness helps me shift away from simplicity and towards wisdom
…rightness brings joy to my heart
…clarity gives me insight into life.
Even if I’m not sure how the connections work this information changes things up for me.
Am I interested in reading the law? Not really.
But do I want to:
…have my soul revivified?
…move toward wisdom?
…have more joy in my heart?
…have my life come into better focus?
Well…yeah, for sure.
Note: quotes from Psalm 19:7-8 (NLT). Added: I haven’t put together a list of My Top Ten Psalms but if I did I think 19 would be in the mix.