answering questions

Week 26  Job 38-41

Two years ago I counted up 70 questions the Lord asked Job in chapters 38-41.
This year I wondered how many of them Job could have answered. I got a sheet of paper and divided it into two columns:
Questions Job Could Answer (on the left).
Questions Job Could Not Answer (on the right).
I only had time to look at chapter 38. There were 28 questions and I calculated that ~24 of them were answerable. Which surprised me. For instance:
Q: where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
A: I didn’t exist at that point.
Q: who marked off (the earth’s) dimensions?
A: you did.
There were only a couple of questions Job couldn’t answer:
Q: on what were (the earth’s) footings set?
Q: where does darkness reside?
Answering 24 of 28 questions is a score of ~86%. Which is really good. Except it wasn’t that kind of quiz at all. That’s why when he got the chance to answer Job just said: I am unworthy – how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth.
It wasn’t so much an I’m Going to Test You to See What you Know as it was a Here Are Some Interrogatives to Think About That Highlight What You Don’t.

Note: quotes from Job 38:4 5a 12 6 19b & 40:4 (NIV). And see back to May 30, 2020 post ‘something or nothing’.