the Applicability Question

Week 43  Acts 2

Number-wise the church was growing fast in the early days and I wondered how leaders managed the sudden growth. It’s like having 100 subscribers on your channel and then next day you’ve got 10000.
But a more important question for me is: what-all’s going on in the church?
Luke started answering that question in chapter 2. 3000 new people came into the faith and they:
Got together with the other believers
Devoted themselves to learning what the church taught
Shared in communion & in regular community meals
Prayed together
Spent a lot of time together
Shared what they had
Sold what they owned and gave to needy people
Worshipped together & praised God
Luke described more than a dozen things but I highlighted these since they seemed pretty important.
While I’m reading the bible I have a kind of general concept floating around that I think of as The Applicability Question (AQ). (Probably lots of people figure the bible is totally inapplicable to real-life circumstances in the modern world. But I look for applicability.)
The AQ subdivides bible content into three main categories:
A) bible things that I think are inapplicable
B) borderline bible things I’m not sure about
C) bible things that are applicable in the contemporary world.
I think that several of the features that Luke points out about the church in the ancient world are heavyweight principles that cross time & geography & cultures so that now ought to be a modern version of then.

Note: paraphrased verses from Acts 2:42-47