Week 48 1 Timothy
The Timothy letters are personal correspondence from Paul to Timothy and I’m almost fifty verses into the first letter before Paul tells Timothy exactly why he’s writing: I am writing these things to you now…so that if I can’t come for a while, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God…the church of the living God.
I had to look back to see what Paul had already said about life in the church. I don’t think chapter one counts…it’s mostly Paul’s introduction. But in chapters 2-3 there’s four topics about church life:
Prayer & women & bishops & deacons.
I’ll read the second-half of 1 Timothy tomorrow but I take a couple of minutes to speed-read ahead. I see a couple of other life-in-the-church things. Paul mentions accurate teaching a couple of times. And he talks about subgroups in the church: old-men & young-men & old-women & young-women & old-widows & young-widows & bishops & slaves.
Some of what Paul says doesn’t exactly line up with my church here in Medicine Hat so I wonder about the differences. One of my bible-reader’s tasks is to figure out how to understand what I’m reading. And at this point the easiest way is to just make straightforward binary decisions about then vs. now. Are those old ideas right-or-wrong? True-or-false? Sensible-or-nonsensible? Acceptable-or-rejectable? Like that.
Which means the first question I need to ask myself before drawing my conclusions is: do I even get to make binary choices about my reading?
Note: quote from 1 Timothy 3:14-15 (NLT)