a long haul

Week 6  Psalm 34

It’s a short paragraph in the middle of the psalm and David asked a pretty interesting question: do any of you want to live a life that is long and good?
It’s a straightforward question with two possible answers:
A#1: Yes.
A#2: No.
David likely figured most people would say “yes” because he only lays out guidelines for that group:
Watch your tongue
Keep your lips from telling lies
Turn away from doing evil
Do good
Work hard at living in peace with others.
[If David had also asked ‘do any of you want to live a life that is short and bad?’ then his advice would look something like this:
Say whatever you like
Lie and be deceptive
Do evil things
Don’t waste time on good actions
Conflict is part of living (so make sure you come out on top).]
David’s short list of Long & Good Life recommendations is a selective basket of actions. There are more. But his condensation is a handy set of actionables.
And from the look of them they’re permanent & ongoing regulations. They’re not like the alphabet where once I learn it I’ve got it and I can move on to other things. If I want a long and good life then during all of my long-and-good life I’m managing my language. Overbalancing my lies with truth. Offsetting Evils by Goods. Phasing out my attack strategies.
A short list but with long-term implications.

Note: quotes from Psalm 34:12-14 (NLT)