Week 15 Psalm 103
For a few seconds I look at the verse thinking how useful it would’ve been if I’d seen it in the third week of January: (the Lord) revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. Starting in Exodus 3 and going through all those episodes to the end of Deuteronomy the Lord was revealing his character to Moses. It’s a nice executive-style summary of those books.
I get a small sticky-note and write: “the next ~135 chapters are about the Lord revealing his character to Moses (& Israel). See Psalm 103:7”. I stick it by the chapter heading of Exodus 3. Next year – on about January 20, 2024 – I’ll see it and ask myself: what’s this section about? And I’ll say: it’s about the Lord showing Moses what he’s like.
Anyway David doesn’t leave it at that. He lists a few things Moses would have learned about the Lord:
The Lord is merciful
He’s gracious
He’s slow to get angry
He’s full of unfailing love
He won’t constantly accuse us
He won’t remain angry
He hasn’t punished us for all our sins
He doesn’t deal with us as we deserve.
It’s a short list – there’ll be more in Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy. But it looks like David is saying “you’ll find these for starters”.
It’s a helpful tip. It’s like an answer key at the back of the textbook. If I’m not finding things like these about the Lord then I’m missing something.
Note: quotes from Psalm 103:7 8-10 (NLT)