then you’ll know

Week 33  Ezekiel 25-32

In the first half of his book Ezekiel’s forecasts were mostly about Jerusalem. Then he turned to the international community. (A couple of years ago I noticed this eight-consecutive-chapter collection and read it in one sitting. I did that again this year.)
Ezekiel highlighted six nations (the average length of each prophecy works out to 31-verses. But none of them were even close: Ammon (7 verses) Moab (4) Edom (3) Philistia (3) Tyre (80) Egypt (90).)
Anyway while I was going through this section I saw that the phrase ‘then you will know’ was repeated again and again. For instance Ammon had mocked Israel when Solomon’s temple was desecrated and when the people were exiled (Ha Ha! What a hoot! Looks good on you Hebrews!) What the Ammonites didn’t know at the time was that a tribe of desert nomads would eventually overrun their own country & steal their food supplies & turn their country into a pasture. When that happened – Ezekiel said – then you will know… Ditto for Moab Edom Philistia Tyre & Egypt.
I wondered: what-all will they get to know?
I counted up the then-you-will-know phrase. It was there 18 times and in every case (except one) what they would come to know was that: I (the Lord) am the Lord (25:14 was a bit different).
My guess is that interested people could proactively search-and-discover that the-Lord-was-the-Lord prior to Ezekiel’s forecasted events. But one way of the other – either sooner or later – everyone would discover who the real Lord was.

Note: quote from Ezekiel 25:5 (NLT)