no common ground

Week 26  Job 20 & 21

Reading these two chapter back-to-back I realized how far apart Job and his friend Zophar really were.
Zophar’s view was that even if evil people were successful their success was temporary. The hammer would soon fall.
the joy of the godless person lasts but a moment
he will perish forever
he will not enjoy the profit from his trading
his prosperity will not endure
terrors will come over him
a flood will carry off his house
Job’s view was quite a bit different. He thought it was obvious that evil people were not only successful but that their success could last a lifetime.
the wicked live on, growing old an increasing in power
their homes are safe and free from fear
they spend their years in prosperity and go to the grave in peace
the evil man is spared from the day of calamity
who repays him for what he has done?
watch is kept over his tomb
Zophar figured that bad living was going to result in bad life outcomes.
Job on the other hand said an evil person living a consistently bad life could still end up having pretty good and successful life outcomes. And that’s why he finally told Zophar: how can you console me with your nonsense? Nothing is left of your answers but falsehood. Friends I guess…but on opposite sides of the fence.

Note: Zophar quotes from Job 20:5 7 12 & 15 18 21 25 28. Job quotes from Job 21:7 9 13 30 31 32 34 (NIV)