Week 34 Zechariah 5
Zechariah has eight visionary experiences. Vision #5 is a flying scroll. It’s dimensions are 30’ x 15’ – so it’s a big scroll. It’s up in the air and it doesn’t seem to be falling. It must have an internal propulsion drive – it stays afloat and its mobile – going out over the entire land.
The scroll is imprinted with a written message – two messages actually. One on each side. Both curses:
Side #1 says those who steal will be banished from the land
Side #2 says those who swear falsely will be banished from the land (the next verse says false swearing specifically means to swear falsely by the Lord’s name (which I think is roughly equivalent to lying)).
Anyway there are two groups of people:
Group #1: thieves (Side #1 of the flying scroll will be delivered to their houses)
Group #2: liars (Side #2 of the flying scroll will be delivered to their houses)
Every person who is either a thief or a liar will get this specially delivered scroll (people who are both thieves & liars will likely get two deliveries).
There might be other scrolls to cover a range of other evils but these are the only ones mentioned here.
Theft and lying seem like penny ante offenses. Hardly worth the bother. But here in Zechariah they get personalized and pretty serious attention
Note: quotes from Zechariah 5:3 (NLT)