Week 38 Mark 9
An unnamed exorcist was casting out demons in Jesus’ name. The disciples shut him down (he isn’t one of our group). When the Lord heard he told them: don’t stop him. No one who preforms miracles in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me.
The disciple’s equation was: Doing something in the Lord’s name + Not being part of the group = Not doing something for the Lord.
The Lord’s formula wasn’t as complicated: Doing something in the Lord’s name = Doing something in the Lord’s name.
I wondered about irrelevant factors when it comes to doing something in the Lord’s name?
If a guy was doing something for the Lord could I try to stop him if – for instance – he didn’t understand the gospel very well?
If he was a poor communicator?
If I disagreed with some of his ideas?
If he had weird political views?
It looks like doing something in the Lord’s name is – to some degree at least – a non-correctible & non-criticizable action.
Doing something in the Lord’s name is just that.
I wonder if it’s even possible that if I’m doing nothing for the Lord it’s a bigger problem than doing something in the name of the Lord (while not belonging to the right group).
It sounds like I can legitimately do something in the name of the Lord in spite of personal flaws or limited skills or keeping the wrong company.
Note: quotes from Mark 9:38-39 (NLT)