Week 52 Revelation 16
Three creatures (or persons or beings) are mentioned in this chapter: a dragon & a beast & a false prophet.
The bible I’m using has a cross-reference to each one of them – meaning that John refers to them more than once:
The dragon was already mentioned in Revelation 12:3 (The Woman and the Dragon chapter).
The beast showed up in 13:1.
And the false prophet was there too in 13:11.
So by the time I read chapter 16 I’ve already heard about these three beings (and I’ll see each one of them again in chapters 19 & 20).
John says that the dragon & the beast & the false prophet each had mouths and when they opened their mouths unclean spirits come out. These spirits were visible to John – they looked kind-of-like frogs.
The three spirits that looked like frogs were also called spirits of demons or demonic spirits.
These three demonic spirits went out far-and-wide performing signs – or most likely miracles – that impressed leaders around the world so much that they prepared their states for the war of the great day of the Lord.
The location where the big battle would take place was: Armageddon (or Har-Magedon – depending on which version I’m using).
Reading this chapter the thing that stands out as being pretty (ominously) revealing is that the national decisions of leaders & governors & prime minsters & presidents is being prompted by demonic spirits. It’s pretty sobering to think that demons will be foreign-affairs influencers.
Note: quotes from Revelation 16:14 16 (NASB NIV NLT)