Week 7 Deuteronomy 29
The bible is pretty clear that the Lord knows everything. So in terms of percentages his knowledge score would have a value of 100%.
I can’t speak for the accumulated knowledge of everyone in the human race but I’d float the guess that in comparison to the Lord all of the knowledge that we-all have on earth would be less than 1% (how much less is debatable. Personally I’d say it was quite a bit less).
Anyway the bible doesn’t give an exact numerical value to how little we know but it does say that: the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.
So I keep a couple of things in mind.
First I don’t get too worried thinking that “Oooo…the Lord is keeping a Big Secret from me. Keeping me in the Dark”. It’s really more the simple fact that my knowledge capacity is significantly less than the Lord’s.
The second thing is the Lord has (in fact) revealed certain key things to me that I have the capacity to utilize.
I take two things I take from this verse. A) I don’t know and likely won’t ever know the Secret Things (I’ll stay 99% unaware). B) the 1% of things I do know belong to me and as a result I can observe – act on – them.
Note: quote from Deuteronomy 29:29 (NASB)