Week 9 1 Samuel 2
There’s a line in Hannah’s prayer that says a specific thing about the Lord: the Lord is a God of knowledge, and with Him actions are weighed.
I cross-checked a couple of other versions looking for discrepancies. But they agreed:
The Lord is a God of knowledge, and actions are weighed by him
The Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
So actions have weight.
Weight is how heavy something is. In the world of material things the weight of every single thing is determined by the mystery-force of gravity. Gravity says that an apple weighs 100 grams and a truck weighs 2000 kgs. Objects have weight.
Actions are different from objects but they have weight too. I’ve seen lots of pictures of the blindfolded Lady Justice with her scales – weighing people’s actions. Every day the legal departments of the world take a stab at weighing the actions of people. The legal scales of justice have limitations and are only calibrated to give approximate weights. They’re not always too accurate (but they’re better than nothing).
But one of the (many) things that the Lord does is to exert a sort of Behavioural Gravitational Force over all actions. It’s a very precise scale that takes every single factor into consideration. And then every action is weighed to the milligram.
Which seems like a pretty solid argument for good action.
Note: quote from 1 Samuel 2:3 (NASB CSB & ESV)